30 Ways to Make Progress

Whether it's in your health & wellness, professional, family life, etc, all progress is made through consistent actionable steps.
Jake Crandall
October 29, 2021
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Whether it's in your health & wellness, professional, family life, etc, all progress is made through consistent actionable steps.

The steps below are easy and actionable steps to making progress in any aspect of your life. Left foot, right foot. One in front of the other. Day by day. Week by week. After a short amount of time, you'll look back and see you've traveled a great distance.

  1. Wake up early
  2. Read daily
  3. Eat well
  4. Love yourself
  5. Judge less
  6. Be yourself
  7. Set goals
  8. Plan your day
  9. Have a positive attitude
  10. Have purpose
  11. Find inspiration
  12. Love others
  13. Network and connect with others
  14. Save money
  15. Automate the little stuff
  16. Delegate what you can
  17. Track finances and spend wisely
  18. Interact often
  19. Fail fast and recover faster
  20. Learn new skills often
  21. Invest in yourself
  22. Journal
  23. Pray / Meditate daily
  24. Get a mentor / life coach
  25. Think big
  26. Be productive
  27. Do more more often
  28. Continually educate yourself
  29. Be ambitious
  30. Just start now

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